Firefox OS developer Mozilla forges security collaboration with BlackBerry

Firefox developer Mozilla has announced the development of a new online security product as part of a joint venture with BlackBerry.

According to a press release, the new open source security testing platform will allow developers and cyber-security specialists to use an automated testing technique called “fuzzing” to detect potential security issues.

“Fault injection (also known as “fuzzing”) is a method of automated security testing that is used to identify potential security concerns that can be fixed before users are at risk.

“Fault injection is a testing technique where specially designed software is created to inject a variety of unexpected or malformed data into a specific application, program or area of code.”

Aside from joint work on software, the partnership includes the development of an open framework for testing web browsers called Peach v2.

Mozilla claims it has already used Peach to test fonts, image, audio and video formats, as well as multimedia APIs including WebGL and WebAudio, which are used in the Firefox web browser and the Firefox OS smartphone platform.