Onboarding gifts: Five reasons you should give them to your new employees


Source: Unsplash/Edgar Soto

You’re seeing it more than ever before; people in your network sharing pictures of incredible company swag when they start a new role.

Branded tees, note pads, chocolate, mouse pads, reusable coffee cups, even headphones for calls and massage vouchers quickly replace first-day jitters with a sense of belonging and loyalty from the minute they clock on. And let’s not forget how jealous the rest of us feel while scrolling LinkedIn as we mentally take notes on dream places to work.

All this happens in a second or two; such is the power of the onboarding gift pack. 

What is onboarding?

Onboarding is the term given to welcoming new employees into a company. It’s a relatively new process, gaining traction among top startups and forward-thinking companies. Nothing showcases it better than through a corporate onboarding pack.

But let’s not leave this concept solely in the swag-laden arms of tech startups. Now more than ever, every business needs to attract, excite, motivate, and keep great people, especially now that remote working and doing it solo is the new normal.

Presenting staff with handy work life staples that promote brand awareness and the workplace on show is one hugely effective way of doing it.

And let’s not forget the current buzz term, the ‘Great Resignation’.

The Great Resignation is still buzzing about, so if we don’t pivot fast and figure out ways of keeping our best and brightest minds engaged and loyal, businesses may be left scrambling to recruit.

If you flip this idea on its head, the ‘Great Retention’ should be your top focus right now: thinking of ways to welcome, encourage and keep your people, then putting plans in place. 


A 2021 report by Achievers Employee Platform in Australia found that only 23% of homegrown employees experienced a strong sense of belonging at their organisation.

They also concluded: “New hires need to be welcomed aboard — introduced, inducted and incorporated into the organisational team and the culture.”

And there, dear friends, is where the incredibly on-trend and welcoming onboarding pack comes in.


The top five reasons to gift an onboarding pack to new employees

  1. It’s unexpected. And it’s a gift!

    An onboarding pack is not standard in most industries, so new employees will probably not expect anything. Cue the surprise and endorphins when they receive a box filled with some beautifully branded and personalised items. 

    The bonus to all this? Choose your corporate swag well, and they’ll stay with the employee long after they’ve settled in, serving as a reminder of the first day at work and all those good times.

  2. You’re showing new employees that you value and respect them

    As the ‘Great Resignation’ threatens to tip corporate recruitment on its head, undervaluing employees is so last season. Now is the chance to create a lasting impression by showing respect to your employee and giving them a feeling of exclusivity; like they’ve joined a ‘club’ that all their friends only wish they could, too.

  3. It strengthens your company culture

    These days, it’s a jobseeker’s market, and salary no longer trumps quality of work life. Having a tangible example of your employee-first ethos will do wonders for the company culture every business aspires to have. Do this, and you’ll be helping attract the best and brightest to your business because they’ve heard (and seen) that it’s a brilliant place to work.

  4. You’re making them feel at home and well equipped to do their job

    Everything in its place; all lovely and branded and tres useful. Think of a curated onboarding hamper as the equivalent of a house-warming gift; you’ll help your new staffer brighten up their desk and equip them with all the useful bits to help them in their new role.

    And remember what global management expert Victor Lipman says: this is fundamental to their sense of inclusion and belonging at work.

  5. You’re amplifying your social media reach

    Your employees are not only your best asset, but they are your storytellers, too. Every photo posted, liked and shared is exposure for your recruitment process and guess what — onboarding gift packs are always received favourably.

Give staff a sense of belonging and inclusion, and see loyalty rise

EY’s 2021 Work Reimagined Employee Survey 2021 found millennials are more than twice as likely to quit as baby boomers. And millennials love Insta-worthy products and experiences, which double as fabulous PR opportunities for your brand and future employees. 

But that’s not all. After they’ve onboarded, curated branded merch packs also make epic incentives and milestone gifts.

Think intra-company brand, team, or platform launches (and re-launches), tenure milestones or mid-year ‘thank yous’ to reinforce your employee-first culture and sense of belonging among your greatest asset: your people.

Innovative, carefully designed products they’ll use over and over, like reusable coffee cups, eco-friendly drink bottles, high-quality apparel, and luxe branded office supplies, will ensure your staff and their mates stay close to your company and vision. 

If you are an HR manager or business owner, onboarding is a great way to begin a long-term love story. You make an instant impression on their first day at work, and a curated, useful and sustainable array of home office branded merch will do wonders for your people and brand. And longer-term — keeping the high calibre employees you already have is key. 

Now go on, let’s make this ‘Great Retention’ one to remember.