Firefox co-founder expresses doubt over browser’s future

Two co-founders of the Mozilla Firefox browser have hit a public disagreement regarding the software’s future, debating whether the program is outdated and in need of a boost.

The discussion was posted online on Quora, a type of online forum where users can find information about products from people who designed them.

In a thread about Firefox’s future, tech blog TechCrunch has reported that co-founder Blake Ross said the browser has reverted to its old ways.

“I’m pretty sceptical. I think the Mozilla Organization has gradually reverted back to its old ways of being too timid, passive and consensus-driven to release breakthrough products quickly.”

However, current Mozilla chief executive John Lilly replied defending the browser, saying more updates are in store.

“I’m hardly an unbiased observer, but am confident that it will. Product is getting better all the time, and especially with 4.0 approaching in the fall. We’ve got 400M users and are growing that number.”

“And we have a huge community of committed people around the world working on making it better. It’s more competitive than ever, but I feel pretty good about our chances, not only on the desktop, but also on Android, which is already looking good.”