Find a buddy to keep you in check

Who are you accountable to as a work at home mum (WAHM)?


Do you ever feel like you’re missing out on the accountability that comes from weekly department meetings? You know, like people do when they work in an office?


I never thought I’d miss those weekly team meetings, but sometimes it really helps to have others to check in with. So how can we stay accountable and on track when we work at home? Find an accountability buddy!


An accountability buddy is someone:

  • you can bounce ideas off,
  • to help you stick to your weekly goals,
  • to encourage you (and vice versa), and
  • to collaborate with.

A few months ago, a colleague and I decided to give this a try and the results have been amazing.


When we started out, each week we’d email each other our goals for the week and talk via Skype twice a week to check in and see how we’re doing. Now, we seem to talk on Skype almost every day. Skype has become a virtual coffee machine.


We’ve both learned heaps and it really has helped us stay on task and we’ve started working together on some new projects.


Who are you accountable to in your work-at-home world? Why not find a like-minded WAHM to be your accountability buddy and tell us how it has helped you?