Dumbbell-clad cutlery is fighting fit

start-up-idea-dunbell-cutleryFitness fanatics can now tone up as they eat thanks to the launch of a bizarre new cutlery set.


The Eat Fit Cutlery set attaches dumbbells to a knife and fork, and saves the heaviest for the dessert spoon. The knife and fork weigh one kilogram each, and the spoon two kilograms.


Eat Fit Cutlery, which costs about $90 for a three-piece set, is aimed at “gluttons in need of a workout”.


A spokesperson for Firefox, which develops the products, says the cutlery and dumbbell mix is designed “for fitness fans with a sense of humour”.


While this product is designed to be tongue-in-cheek, it does highlight how far people will go to keep their bodies in fine form.


Why not come up with your own concept for healthy eating?


You could introduce ready-made meals for fitness fanatics to eat on the go, or a notification when people have consumed a certain number of calories.