Wi-Spi spies smartphone opportunity

start-up-idea-wi-spiTwo new radio-controlled toy vehicles are about to hit the market, with names that leave little doubt over their purpose – the “Wi-Spi” and the “Intruder”.


Both are controlled via smartphone applications and deliver a live stream of video back to the user’s screen.


The maker, Interactive Toy Concepts, which is based in Canada, said the Intruder was “perfect if you want to spy on your colleague in the next cubical”.


The smartphone app can also record videos to upload on Twitter and Facebook.


Previous generations of so-called “spy” helicopters have included digital cameras but haven’t offered “live” video. Instead, users have to pick them up and transfer video after the flight.


Wi-Spi can take videos and stills, while Intruder can record video with sounds.


Although devices that deliver video streams to smartphones are already available, none have been this small and discreet, or this cheap, so is there an opportunity to take this concept further?