Women’s car site picks up speed

The mechanics of a car don’t always interest women. However, when women purchase new cars, they often demand information about the interior, the exterior styling and the fuel economy.


With this in mind, Tara Weingarten has created VroomGirls, a US-based website aimed at helping women navigate their way through the car industry.


“VroomGirls is the first comprehensive automotive website created by and for women,” the website says.


“Our site features honest, informative and jargon-free reviews, features, fun road-trip travel stories and newsy items on what’s up in the car world, including how it intersects with celebrity and fashion.”


With more women working in senior roles and/or choosing to delay motherhood, the level of discretionary income among women is increasing, leaving more money for things like new cars.


Sites such as VroomGirls therefore stand to do well. Are there other concepts that could take advantage of the increasing level of discretionary income among women and/or men?