Waggit gets tails (and chins) wagging

Waggit, a US-based platform for finding potential dog sitters among other local pet lovers, recently won the grand prize at Startup Weekend New York City.


Audrey Tan, who founded the platform in August, is currently operating as a one-woman show and regards Waggit as a fulltime business.


Waggit takes the search for dog sitters to the social sphere. Users can create profiles about their pets as well as their interest and availability to take care of other users’ furry companions.


Users can then choose to interact further to establish some trust before dropping off their pets.


As the grand prize winner of the Startup Weekend, Waggit will receive $200 worth of web services from Amazon, a book package from McGraw-Hill and an Xbox video game console.


It will also be entered into a global start-up competition, along with other rewards.


Does Waggit’s early success suggest there is an unmet demand for such services? If so, why not create something similar?